-CDC Chairman Mulbah Morlu, discloses

The National Chairman of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), Mulbah K. Morlu, has reassured the party’s commitment to the presidential bid of President George Weah comes 2029, amid recent disclosure by the Party’s Secretary General, Jefferson T. Koijee, that they are negotiating with the political leader of the Alternative National Congress (ANC), for a collaboration and other speculations that the party is not willing to support the president’s candidacy in 2029.

In a note released Wednesday, December 6, 2023, Morlu writes-

A brief note;

Our opponents are so afraid of the MIGHT & MUSCLES of a UNITED CDC that they’re trying so hard to create a false crisis in the CDC. Well, unfortunately for them, the CDC remains absolutely united around the leadership of its Standard-bearer, H.E. George M. Weah.

There’re also chitchats of a ‘Secret meeting’, which is entirely false & misleading. In fact, the CDC does not need a secret meeting to discuss or divulge a position on recent election issues. Those pushing this lie may not be aware that our official position as a party was clearly and publicly communicated recently, which unites the CDC solidly behind President Weah, while CAUTIONING the incoming government against WITCH-HUNT, BAD GOVERNANCE, ETC.

Here’s the bad news for the repackaged ‘Newcomers’, but also good news for the Liberian people; the CDC was completely united throughout its campaigns, remained united in respecting the outcome of the half-district election mandate given JNB, and will equally remain Robust, Proactive & institutionally UNITED in the coming months & years so as to objectively engage & CONFRONT(when necessary) the ‘Old wine’ disguised in new bottles.

I’m glad that 99% of our people are unquestionably united behind the Standard-bearer and the mighty party as we move forward, together.

Thank you CDCeans, the period of our disunity & destruction has passed! We have survived and prevailed over the darkest hours that come just before day; let’s now strengthen the unity & put the incoming ‘Den of thieves’ on notice that we are the MIGHTY COALITION FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE that will not concede a micro inch of Liberia to misrule & witch-hunt.

So these ‘Half-district mandate bearers’ need to stop creating false cracks in the CDC.

Besides, we are not a bunch of angry people, but a tolerant well-organized & patriotic sons, daughters, mothers and fathers who love this country and have sacrificed our all for it.

At the same time, even before your one month in ‘Victory’, your cracks are already visible, as they become splits while you sideline those that supported you, in favor of a privileged few, ‘BEER & BUTTER’ revolutionaries.

But we are waiting patiently for your THREE MONTHS PROBATION period to end as Liberians come to know that they have been dubbed & dumped by a fake rescue train which is now picking up strange passengers!
