-VP Taylor tells her supporters 

Following the pronouncement of over 90percent of the total votes cast during the recent runoff election, Liberia’s outgoing Vice President Madam Jewel Howard Taylor, 

has hailed her supporters, who she said spread throughout the nation, but emphasized that though they may have lost this battle, the war for the liberation of the masses continues. 

“Let us wipe away our tears and prepare ourselves for the next round. To all the Jewelcians, your extraordinary love and unwavering faith in the future are sincerely appreciated. If we continue to work diligently, the future we dream of will become a reality.”

She writes- “Today marks the beginning of the next chapter in our lives. As I prepare to close this door, I feel compelled to express my gratitude and share a few words. I want to thank Yahweh, for only you know what is truly best. You have been my shelter and refuge, and I know you will continue to be. Thank you for everything.”

“To my esteemed boss, H.E. President Weah, I am grateful for being the ray of hope for all of us. Your actions over the past 24 hours have truly given us hope for the future. It has been an absolute honor to serve alongside you. Thank you for granting me the privileged position of being our nation’s first female Vice President. It is an extraordinary honor that I deeply appreciate. Today, I commend and admire you for setting yet another world record. Your streak of success continues, and I offer you my heartfelt congratulations, Sir.”

“To my Papa and all the fathers across nations, thank you for your prayers and guidance. The future awaits us, and together we shall overcome. To the Jewel Taylor Clan, you are the source of my strength and inspiration. Let us soar higher without any anxiety or fear. With faith, unity, and love, we shall move forward together. Each and every one of you holds a special place in my heart.”

She continues- “To the Howard Giddings Clan, our parents would be immensely proud of how we have positively impacted our generation. Lift your heads high and march forward with determination. A special mention to First Lady Clar Weah and her family. I express my gratitude for the grace and dignity you have brought to our journey. I have learned so much from your quiet yet resilient presence. Keep walking on this extraordinary path.”

“To Mother Liberia and all her children, thank you for safeguarding the peace and stability of our homeland.” Saturday’s consolidated results announced by the National Elections Commission (NEC), puts Amb. Boakai of the UP at 814,428 votes(50.64%), ahead of incumbent President George Weah who has 793,910 votes (49.36%). This covers 5,889 of 5,890 polling places from the recent runoff election.

LIberians visited the polls Tuesday, November 14, 2023, in the presidential runoff election. Unlike the October 10, 2023, elections- the November 14, 2023, runoff election displayed a low voter turnout during the initial phase, in several counties cross Liberia. Reports from Montserrrado, Nimba, Lofa, Bong, Bomi, Geand Bassa, River Gee, Maryland, Lofa and a scores of other counties throughout the process, showed a very low turnout of electorate. Like several other counties, the euphoria at the Jawoe Manalah Public School in Gboata, Bong County, revealed a scene of less than two dozens of electorates.Moreover, this is similar to the scene from a precinct at the Cuttington University campus in Bong County.

In Margibi, voters attendance in the round off election in District# 4 Margibi County, at St. Augustine Episcopal Mission High School at polling place 1, and 2 was very poor. Also, it was similar situation at the EJ Yancy Annex, District #3, Margibi County and several other seats in the county. The turnout of voters during a runoff election is crucial for the democratic process and the legitimacy of the final outcome. However, it was observed that the number of voters that participated in the recentelection was significantly lower than expected.

Scores of citizens we spoke with say several factors could potentially contribute to this low turnout, including- voters trucking, and reluctance of voters because they believe the process isn’t tense like the previous elections.  The National Elections Commission (NEC) of Liberia released the final results from the recently concluded October 10, 2023, legislative and presidential elections, setting the stage for a runoff scheduled for November 14, 2023.