• Electrical fault blamed in Kakata

By Jerromie S. Walters

The 7th of November, 2022 in Margibi County, Liberia: On Saturday, November 5, 2022, several residents of Margibi County were left disheartened after an unprecedented fire outbreak led to the destruction of a six-apartment building that housed several homes and businesses. The fire started in one of the apartments and quickly spread to the rest of the building.

As the mystery deepened, the fire spread quickly to the upper levels of the atmosphere, while the thick cloud of smoke obscured the view from the surrounding neighborhoods, which resulted in several people losing their homes.

The unfortunate event that took place in the Kakata-Bong Mine Road parking station in the Lango Town Community in Kakata, Margibi County, resulted in the destruction of the six-apartment building, which also contained goods and belongings in the shops and homes located within the building.

The residents of the building unfortunately had all of their belongings stolen, which made the already chaotic situation even worse.

Even though the tragedy did not result in any fatalities, it is unknown how many residents were impacted by the event due to the fact that it is still unclear how many people were affected.

However, the cause of the fire has not yet been determined; however, eyewitnesses reported that the fire began in one of the shops that was used as a storage facility for gasoline and fuel. The investigation continues.

Residents of Kakata City made a number of attempts to put out the fire, but their efforts were fruitless because it wasn’t possible to do so until after the widespread destruction had been completed.

As a result of the event, residents of the county have made a request to both the national government and the leadership of the county, asking them to ensure that the county has access to a fire truck at all times.

Based on what has happened in the past, this is the third fire that has broken out in Kakata City in 2022, and a large number of residents of the county are becoming increasingly vocal in their demands that the government take action.

The fire at the CH Rennie Hospital, a residential building in the community of Vai Town, and the most recent fire in Kakata City are just some of the many fires that have broken out in the city over the past few months.

A terrible fire broke out on August 15, 2021, and was responsible for the total destruction of the C.H. Rennie Hospital in Kakata, which was located in Margibi County.

Even though there were no casualties reported, the emergency room, pharmacy, records room, and administrative offices of the hospital were severely burned, much to the bewilderment of the staff that was on duty.

However, Dr. Augustine Fannieh, who serves as the health officer for Margibi County, believes that a problem with the electrical wiring started the fire.

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