By: Mrs. Estelle Liberty Kemuh
Director General

The Minister of Information, Culture & Tourism and Chairperson of the LBS Board of Directors
Officials of Government
Executives of Public and Private institutions
The Management and Staff of LBS
The Business Community
Special invited guests
Family, friends and well wishers
All protocols observed!
Let me begin by asking that we all stand and observe a moment of silence for our employees, family and loved ones, including my own mother, who succumbed to death during the year under review.
I couldn’t be more grateful to his Excellency, President George Weah for selecting some of Liberia’s greatest sons and daughter to help me captain this ship. Thank you team members, for the respect you continue to accord me. I want to recognize our Board Chairperson, but more notably the Minister of Finance & Development Planning, Hon.Samuel Tweah and his Team, as well as our valued clients and above all, the people of Liberia, for their continued support to the state Broadcaster.
Indeed, 2021 has been a year of mixed emotions amidst the Covid-19 pandemic that sought to challenge our way of life. Howbeit, we are thankful to God Almighty for His grace and for His blessings.
It truly gladdens my heart to be standing here tonight. Tonight is not about me. Neither is about the Chairperson of our Board of Directors, nor any member of our top management team. It is all about you, the employees who are the solid Rock and Cornerstone of what the Liberia Broadcasting System truly represents, – a team that is ensuring that quality broadcast service is delivered to our people. Without you and the quality of service and commitment to duty, this honoring program could not have been possible. This is why tonight we celebrate you in line with the theme of this event: “Gratitude Improves Quality.” How can we not show gratitude to you for the numerous and immeasurable sacrifices in the line of your professional duty all year round? That for 365 days, 24 hours per day, you have truly demonstrated sacrifices even in the face of mounting challenges that don’t seem to go afar.
Yes, looking at 2021 as it wanes in 48 or more hours, it’s only been a challenging year for our country due to the Covid 19 pandemic. Yet in the midst of a global health crisis, we had an exciting year of great achievements as well! I say exciting because we have proven that there is unity in strength. Our goals, dreams and vision that we share together to see the State Broadcaster second to none, is manifesting day by day. That is why we as managers believe that it is important to celebrate those who stood tall to ensure we deliver on our mandate as an institution. Even if you didn’t walk away with an award tonight, we still celebrate you, because somehow, you a part of the selection process.
Let me boast of what I know: all of my employees represent a workforce that are committed, determined and dedicated task that have produced an excellent team with players, who despite the little earnings they take home to their families, still ensure that the ‘Nation’s Pride’ comes on 5:00 am, ensure the nation is informed about the Government’s policies, keep the wheels of our engine turning in a service oriented and marketing-wise approach and closes the station at 1:00 am. That’s what I called “True Commitment to Service’. We as a Management Team can only be but grateful to you all. Keep pushing. Let’s keep our eyes on the ball and set out to achieve all we have planned to do in the coming year, 2022. I assure you tonight that your sacrifices will not go in vain.
That is why under the year review, 33 employees got promoted in different divisions, in addition to the numerous inhouse and external training program and the innovative approaches to making broadcasting better during the year in review. Let me thank the leadership of the LBS Workers Union, headed by Mr. Michael Karr for respectfully and positively engaging Management on the welfare of your people. I like to thank my team, the Greatest Team of 2021, heading into 2022.
To our MICAT family, headed by our own Mr. Ledgerhood Rennie, thanks for the team work; Mr. Eugene Nagbe, immediate past Board Chair, thanks for always keeping your line open. It is because of the collaboration and coordination that we are effectively communicating the great work our Government is doing.
Let me in humanity, pay respect to my predecessors whose legacies and hard work have made it easier to sail through.
As we honor you tonight, we must also pay special tribute to a small segment of our workforce who were just recently retired. Those retirees represented and still represent the cream of LBS, because they left indelible marks on this institution. We will continue to call upon them whenever needed, drawing on their vast experience and their rich fountain of knowledge. We say a big thank you for their sacrifices and immense contributions to LBS over the years.
At this point, I wish to openly pledge here tonight that with full government’s support and the backing of our abled Board Chairperson, 2022 will be the year of renewal for LBS. we will be re-energized, re-engineer and modernize LBS into a first-class national broadcast entity in Liberia.
In closing, I want to thank my family for their prayers and support given me daily.
As I thank the chair person Madam Tetee Gebro and the Organizing Committee of the 2021 awards program , Congratulations to all the award winners and even those who didn’t win physical awards this night, but you have won awards by your hard work. Keep working, keep shining your light, hoping you will be an inspiration to others.
Thank you.