-LNP finds no connection to 5M bribery case

By G Bennie Bravo Johnson
The Liberian National Police (LNP) has cleared Presidential Special Project Unit Director, Madam Makeneh Keita from all charges of corruption.
Making the disclosure in Monrovia, the Police spokesman, Moses Carter, noted that Police investigation did not establish any probable cause linking Madam Keita to the alleged crimes of soliciting bribe. He however said the investigation recommended that administrative action be taken against Madam Keita for acting outside of her line of duty by inviting and going into arrangement with a company without the approval and knowledge of her bosses at the Executive Mansion.
Mr. Carter further narrated that the investigation also exonerated Christian Habber, who is also a staff of the Presidential Project Unit and Dorley Carto, based on the fact that the investigation did not established any cause to link them to the crimes.
‘’Hence, the investigation resolved to charge suspect Amos Diggs, Business Manager of the Special Presidential Project and Mr. Lawrence J. Saye, CEO of Knight Group of Company International with the crimes of criminal attempt to commit theft of property, bribery, criminal solicitation and conspiracy for soliciting 5 million United states dollars from a South African Company Imperia Investment Limited. These suspect as pair our investigation will be duly charge and forwarded to court to face court action’’ Mr. Carter disclosed.
According to the LNP, it has conducted and completed full scale investigation into the allegation of 5 million United Stated dollars’ bribery which earlier link and involved the head of the Special Presidential Project at the Executive Mansion Madam Makeneh Keita.
The LNP in its investigative report disclosed that it has resolved to charge suspect Amos Diggs Business Manager of the Special Presidential Project and Mr. Lawrence J. Saye, CEO of Knight Group of Company International with the crimes of criminal attempt to commit theft of property, bribery, criminal solicitation and conspiracy for soliciting US $5M from a South African Company Imperia Investment Limited. “These suspects as per our investigation will be duly charged and forwarded to court to face court action,’’ Mr. Carter disclosed.
In September of 2022, the LNP commenced full scale investigation into allegation of bribery and unauthorized invitation involving the head of the Special Presidential Project Madam Makeneh L. Keita of the Executive Mansion after it was reportedly allege that she solicited 5 Million United States dollars from a South African Company without the knowledge and approval of her bosses at the Executive Mansion.
Since the situation occurred in August of last year, the LNP was said to have been investigating the matter to make sure that suspect is brought to book.
But Speaking at a news conference at the headquarter of the Liberia National Police, LNP spokesman H. Moses Carter explained that during the special investigation done by constituted committee, the investigators unearthed after speaking with persons of interest and conducting face to face investigation, that the Business Manager of the Special Presidential Project Mr. Amos Diggs and Knight Group of Company CEO, Mr. Lawrence J. Saye were linked to the crimes instead of Madam Keita as presumed earlier.
He concluded as saying that the allege action is in violation of chapter 12, section 12.50, chapter 10, section 10.1, 10.3 and 10.4 of the revise Penal Code of the Republic of Liberia for allergy soliciting 5 million from the company.