—- Says, If We Can’t Elect Them, We Should Appoint Them

Senate Committee Chairman on Gender, Peter Coleman, has welcomed the gender sensitiveness demonstrated in recent appointments in government by President George Manneh Weah.

Senator Coleman said, the appointment of women from diverse professional backgrounds to serve in key government positions is in line with international law.

He said the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 requires international community to support women’s participation in peace negotiations, post conflict reconstruction and participation in decisions- making in government.

The Senate Gender Committee Chairman indicated that this legal instrument considered male and female living on this planet as equal beings with equal protection under the law.

He emphasized that Liberia, being a signatory to the First United Nation Convention, it is mandatory of its leader, President George Manneh Weah, to take the first step in protecting the rights of women in Liberia.

The Lawmaker however, expresses disappointment in the failure by voters to support the legislative bid of female contestants, thereby creating huge gaps between men and women representation in the two Houses of the Liberian Legislature.

Participating in Senate Cross Examination for female nominees, Mawine Diggs, at the Capitol Building this week, the Grand Kru Lawmaker hailed the government for the current wave of women appointments.

The Senator said “if we can’t elect them (Women), we should appointment them”.

Senator Coleman also used the occasion to urge the nominees and all other women holding top positions in government to champion the cause for the protections of the right of females not only in Liberia, but the entire world.

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