- “We Tayah Suffering Rally” Campaigners Claim

Even though it got off to a rocky start, thousands of Liberians showed up to the “We Tayah Suffering Rally” on December 17 to vent their anger and frustration with what they see as the ineffectiveness of the government. Participants claimed that Weah’s poor leadership and the absence of economic opportunities had created a great deal of misery for the Liberian people and prevented them from being able to participate in their own economy.
At the rally, several political leaders from the opposition as well as dozens of leaders from other civil society groups, including women’s, youth, and student groups, gave speeches. They accused the president of breaking his economic commitments to the people of Liberia and dashing their expectations for a brighter future.
The “We Tayah Suffering Rally” was organized by the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) so that Liberians could vent their anger and frustration about how the economy is getting worse and how many people are suffering and living in poverty in Liberia. The Liberian government is responsible for the majority of the country’s economic woes.
Leaders of organizations and groups such as the United Peoples Party, Grassroots Pastors and Churches, Market Women Beyond Borders, Tailor Union, Association of Liberians for Peace, National Indigenous Movement of Liberia, Disenchanted CDCians, the Duala Market Women, and the CPP Royal Guard praised the CPP for providing them with a venue in which they could voice their opposition to the government in a peaceful manner.
They leveled accusations of corruption, wasteful spending, and a callous disregard for the requirements and aspirations of the Liberian people against the CDC government, which was in power at the time. They promised that Mr. Weah would only serve one term as President of Liberia if he was elected.
Ambassador Lewis Brown, who is the Chairman of Team Cummings 2023, discussed the significance of the “We Taya Suffering Rally” and the efforts made by pro-government officials and supporters to thwart the efforts by harassing and threatening the individuals attending the rally.
Ambassador Brown lamented the fact that President Weah’s five-year rule has resulted in a decline in the quality of fundamental social services such as health care, education, and roads, as well as an increase in the cost of living and an increase in the unemployment rate. These factors have caused the majority of Liberians to give up hope for a better future, according him, it is time the President pay keen attention to the need of the people.
Musah Bility, the national campaign chairman for the CPP, made the remark that Liberia is at a critical juncture that requires sober reflections on the part of Liberians in order to vote for new leadership that will restore the country’s lost respect and dignity; otherwise, the country will continue to be in a state of misery. Mr. Bility, who is also the Chairman of the Liberty Party, reiterated that in his opinion, Mr. Alexander Cummings, who is running for president as the candidate of the CPP, is the most qualified candidate for the presidency of Liberia.
In response to this, the Standard Bearer for the CPP, Mr. Cummings, stated that he was grateful to the thousands of Liberians who came to the rally to show their anger over the bad government and the worsening economic situation of Liberians. This was in spite of the fact that the government attempted to scare them away from attending the rally.
The candidate for the position of Standard Bearer for the CPP made a solemn vow that, should he be elected President of Liberia, he would prioritize the general welfare and interests of the greater society in addition to restoring good governance and the rule of law, resuscitating the ailing economy, creating jobs and opportunities for Liberians, and reviving the economy. He urged the people of Liberia to put their disagreements aside and rally behind the CPP in order to limit Mr. Weah’s presidency to a single term in office.
The “We Taya Suffering Rally” was attended by a number of current and former members of the legislature, including Sando Johnson, a former senator from Bomi County, Jonathan Sogbie, a senator from River Gee, and Yekeh Kolubah, a representative from Montserrado County. Everyone lauded the initiative by the CPP to support the cause of the masses of people who are destitute and suffering.
According to Representative Yekeh Kolubah, there were several members of the Unity Party and the All Liberian Party who were present at the event and were extremely outstanding.