Jeety inspires BlueCrest graduates

G Bennie Bravo Johnson wrote this.
Graduates of the BlueCrest University College have been encouraged to use the knowledge acquired to help develop Liberia and to recognize that the country depends on their knowledge to achieve Vision 2030, saying it is only they that have the power to take the necessary action to alter and change the nation’s development course.
Serving as chief guest and speaker of the 6th graduation convocation exercise of the BlueCrest University College Liberia, Dr. Upjit Singh Sachdeva, former Honorary Consul General of India in Liberia and the founder and CEO of Jeety Trading Corporation, said the graduates have the power to begin to research, analyze, and create digital solutions or software to solve the myriad of problems besetting Liberia.
The graduation exercise was held on Saturday, October 22, 2022, at the Dominion Church, Congo Town, as the University bid farewell to 63 graduates.
You have the power to effect change. Therefore, do not say, “I’m afraid to fail.” Those who face challenges, learn to innovate, and stay afloat this is the secret of my success as a businessperson. “Know this: Liberia needs people who will not seek the easy way out, but those who will dare to drive change amid uncertainty,” he said.
Dr. Sachdeva, commonly known as’ Jeety ‘, frankly expressed that Liberia is behind the technology revolution and said that is why he is excited to celebrate these graduates that have taken a bold step to venture into a career area that is most needed in Liberia at this time as he encouraged them to get involved with businesses, each person bringing a different piece of the technological puzzle.
“At this incredibly young age, it is not lost on me that you would have fears about venturing into entrepreneurship. I understand. Your fear is not misplaced, especially at a time when Liberia and the rest of the world are more volatile and uncertain. However, let me caution you to not let your fear paralyze you into doing nothing. You have acquired the knowledge and have the ability, so explore—be daring. You can make the difference, “he further motivated.
According to the country’s Vision 2030 plan, Liberia has just eight more years to accomplish its goal of becoming a middle-income country. You will agree that we are a long way off and chances are that if we do not all work harder and smarter, we might not achieve this goal. But I am more optimistic that with exciting new talents like you, the Vision 2030 goal is within reach, Jeety said.
The future is yours to shape — with the force of your will and your intellect, I am certain of a better future for Liberia, a country that is my home. I have lived in Liberia for more than three decades, so I know what I am speaking of. He added that I have lived my whole adult life in Liberia. Therefore, I am a Liberian by heart and an Indian by nationality.
He explained that what is happening in Liberia today did not happen by chance.The outgoing generation of his worked hard to bring it this far. Now it is the younger generation’s turn to carry it further. No matter what, they have to face these challenges and do so with unwavering dedication. In this way, they can make a specific contribution to Liberia.
The former Honorary Consul General of India in Liberia told the graduates they are capable and he could not think of a better place to look for such people than right here at BlueCrest. And as tech graduates, they must consider what the country needs and then work to make it a reality, as he urged them to start thinking about how they might serve their nation.
“It could be an idea that improves public transport, or health management software that enhances healthcare delivery and quality of life; or a platform that promotes the beauty of Liberia to the world through tourism, to expand the country’s economy.”
You could also build a web-based platform that connects farmers directly to consumers in order to enable farmers across the country to have access to the market directly while accessing reasonable prices for their products. You can also do something similar for stores selling construction materials: you can create an e-commerce platform that connects them directly with consumers. Better still, an app that provides music therapy to sick and elderly Liberians.
The Indian business tycoon stressed that it was their job to use the power of technology to help Liberia reach its Vision 2030 goals. He said that if you are afraid of failing, you won’t come up with anything that could change things.
But when we rise to the challenge, we can drive change. The opportunities and means at the disposal of your generation are far greater than those that were available to mine. You are connecting in ways that were not possible before… The connections are what make you stronger. If you are awake, you are online… Do not take that power for granted. Leverage it. “
Moreover, he says, “If we look into your surroundings, there are enormous examples of Liberians who have mustered the odds and are now contributing positively to the socio-economic growth of Liberia. You can do the same. So, I implore you to do the same. Develop that resolve and start with just an idea. It could grow into something big. Considering this perspective, you will discover your position to contribute towards the betterment of Liberia—recreating it in your own image. Make the Liberia you envision a reality. “
He further encouraged them to look forward and help Liberia achieve the vision 2030 by becoming a middle-income country—a country that will become fully integrated into the bold new technological world.
Mr. Dr. Umesh Neelakantan, President of BlueCrest University College, said BlueCrest in Liberia has been able to bring radical thoughts to more than three thousand learners to date through the opportunities created dominantly via information technology, adding that since 2014, BlueCrest has imparted a mindset of progress among learners through different portfolios in information technology. BlueCrest has advanced in learning portfolios such as Cloud computing, Cyber security, advanced software programming, advanced networking platform, Health Analytics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning technologies, big data analytics, and many more.
He narrated that the world has progressed and will progress by integrating information technology into all personal, professional, and social endeavors. Every decision to date has been based on faster information, realized assessments, valuable judgments, and authenticated inferences. New generation thoughts are vital and no one can ignore or neglect the pace of the younger generation. There has been a radical shift in learning paradigms and pragmatic portfolios are dominating worldwide. There will be no more constrained or secluded status for younger generations to think “what to study, where to study” etc. because the opportunities are immense.
“We are hopeful that formalities for higher education in this blessed country will move much faster and by having great people at the helm of affairs, higher education will transform the necessities into pre-requisites for every interested learner,” he said.