- Rebecca Nimely appeals

Monrovia April 27, 2021: A female police officer, who was allegedly assaulted and mercilessly brutalized recently by her superior in Maryland County, Rebecca Nimely, has expressed dismay over the appalling manner in which she said the Professional Standard Division of the Liberia National Police (LNP) is handling her case.
Officer Nimey says she suspects attempts by authority of the LNP to compromise her case in favor of the senior police officer, who allegedly brutalized her.
Therefore, the female police officer is appealing to the Association of Female Lawyers of Liberia (AFELL) to help plea her case in court.
“They called us to Monrovia for an investigation, they have conducted the investigation but have not come out with ruling or conclusion, and they are asking me to return to Maryland County and will get back to me in the course of three months. I need justice. I want this man and I go to court. I am appealing to AFELL to help me take my case to court,” officer Nimely said in disappointment.
The female officer said she has observed that authorities of the police are down playing her case, expressing concern over delay tactics allegedly being play by the Standard Division of the Police in handling her case.
“By law, the police should not take more than 48 hours to investigate any case, but why are they wanting to take three months before concluding my case?” The female officer wonders.
“I do not see the essence of calling me to Monrovia for an investigation that can not be concluded after hearing,” she emphasized.
While complaining of continued pain and bruises on her eyes, as a result of the assault allegedly meted out against her by the disrobed police commander of Maryland, Col. Jacob Cummeh, Nimely said since the incident, she has not received any help from anybody regarding her medical bills.
It can be recalled that police commander Cummeh allegedly brutalized officer Nimey after she reportedly intruded into a case involving her landlord who was at the time invited by police for illegal occupation.
Officer Nimey is the deputy commander for the women and children section of the Liberia National Police in Maryland County.
Meanwhile police spokesman Moses Carter has clarified that the Professional Standard Division has concluded investigation into the police brutality case and the report will be forwarded to the Inspector General of the Liberia National Police. He did not say when the report would be made public.