By Olando Testimony Zeongar
MONROVIA – The internal wrangling within the opposition Liberty Party (LP) seems far from over, as over the weekend, two executive members of the LP, Montserrado County Senator Abe Darius Dillon (ADD) and the party’s National Chairman, Musa Hassan Bility, were at each other’s throat, in a brazen war of words; with the pair trading claims and counter claims, revolving around the alleged altercation of LP’s constitution, engaging in shady dealings, and telling of bold-face lies.
First, it was ADD, who is also vice chair for political affairs of Liberty Party, who added fuel to the already blazing fire in the LP, when the Montserrado senator publically accused his party’s Chairman, Bility, of being a questionable character, who he said has acquired and continues to acquire wealth roguishly, through “Black Money” or “BM” scams.
“Musa Bility is a crook and a BM. In fact, every dime he has is a BM money,” Dillon said on a local TV show on Tuesday,
The Montserrado Senator, who along with the LP’s political leader, Grand Bassa County Senator Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence are accusing Bility of altering the LP’s 2021 Constitution, further accused Bility of being very corrupt, alleging that the LP Chairman polluted the Liberia Football Association (LFA), when he served there as its president.
He also said Bility was sanctioned by world football governing body FIFA, for corruption.
But Bility, later the same day, replied ADD, when the LP Chairman appeared on the widely listened-to Spoon Talk aired on several electronic networks owned and operated by the Spoon Network, stating that he was hurt that Dillon, a man he assisted with US$20,000 for his 2019 campaign for the senatorial election which he won, would characterize him (Bility) in such manner.
“So here are the things he needs to do right now; he needs to write some check to me and return those things that I gave him, then I will know that he is a man. If he’s a man, let him return those things to me,” Bility said, adding that since Dillon has realized that he’s dealing in Black Money, blood money, and mafia money, let the Montserrado senator return every dime and those things he gave him in the past – “I need it right now…”
“That’s the same money that supported his campaign to be senator, so he should resign – that’s the same money that gave him car that he was sitting down in before he became senator,” he emphasized.
Bility denied running the LFA in any corrupt manner, adding that he rather helped to build it in an institution.
“I have worked for what I have,” he added, stressing, “But I have heard Dillon, and he will get his answer – not from me, but from truth, from time and from posterity.”
Bility is calling on Dillon to return the US$20,000 he claimed to have given the LP vice chair for political affairs to help fund his campaign, and a car, the Liberty Party chairman said he bought for ADD, prior to the latter becoming a senator.
Bility is being accused by the political leader and backed by Senator Dillon for altering the LP’s constitution, an accusation he has since refuted.
Referring to Dillon, Bility said; “It is time for him to do some soul-searching. He is leading himself into the pool of confusion, and he’s undoing himself, and in the process, he’s hurting a lot of people.
Bility accused Dillon of telling lies about the authenticity of an altercation to the LP’s 2021 Constitution, stating that “The crisis that this party is in today is due to this man’s lies.”
The LP chairman added: “I have nothing to say to Dillon anymore. He has called me the names that he had called me; time will judge all of us. If I’m a criminal, we will know, as he’s being revealed, one day I will be revealed. Truth crushed to earth, will rise again. If I’m a bad person, like he has always been, just as he’s being revealed today, I will be revealed. I will leave that to him.”