- MOH issues new Covid-19 regime

The Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Health (MOH) has issued new COVID-19 regulation that seeks to compel all public and civil servants to be vaccinated.
“All employees must return to work and show proof of COVID-19 vaccination. Failure to be vaccinated will lead to suspension without pay or dismissal,” the regulation reads.
The revised regulation said all person accessing government’s institutions; bars, supermarkets, entertainments and nightclubs must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
The Ministry said it revised the National COVID-19 regulation, pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Public Health Law of Liberia to aid the management of the pandemic.
The Ministry has, however, with immediate effect, lifted restriction on bars, nightclubs, cinemas, video clubs and entertainment centers in Liberia, but with a caveat that managers ensure hand-washing stations and/or hand sanitizers are available for customers or public use at all times.
“Managers must ensure that hand washing stations and/or hand sanitizers are available for use by customers, guest, participants and general public all times,” the regulation said
Meanwhile, the Health Ministry said travellers to Liberia must present a negative PCR COVID-19 test result and those 18 years and above must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination at arrival and departure.
“All travelers arriving to Liberia will be tested upon arrival, regardless of COVID-19 vaccination status, and incoming travelers that confirmed positive will be transferred to the nearest treatment unit or managed in home based care as prescribed in the National COVID-19 protocol,” the revised COVID-19 protocol reads.
Ministry has therefore called on Justice and Internal Affairs ministries to ensure the unscrupulous implementation of the regulation.